Some Corporate Codes

Avis D005297 oder E888804 oder hon O855801 A972200 A686200 AWD Discount Codes Hertz CDPs: Centurion Amex CDP 1041723 - Amex Plat 211762 000243132 Intercontinental & IHG IBM Contractor Rate IDEX1 - Promo rate (weekends only) Book 2 nights, second night free, only Europe IKEX3 - Advance Purchase Both rates non cancellable [email protected] Hyatt - NC16700 […]

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Hyatt hotels Corporate and discount Codes

17500 / 15985 AAA 79103 Bank Atlantic 11821 Chanel 13365 Costco 13516 Credit Lyonnais 12624 Credit Suisse 23079 / 68083 Company TVL Rate 99800 Daimler-Benz 12114 Duty Free Shoppers N V NC16700 GE 13307 GE International 13307 General Electric Fin Ho 13717 IBM 12159 Lehman Brothers 90010 Li& Fung Trading Ltd 12114 Louis Vuitton 11657 […]

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IHG Hotels Corporate Codes

If you know of additional codes, please post at comments, and I will update the list. Also, if you think any of the codes should not be posted here for any reason (e.g., proprietary corporate codes etc.), please let me know. To book any of these rates online, use the links provided with each code, […]

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